Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Our Princess turned one today, believe or not! She grew so fast and she is learning new things every day. She says "mama" "dada" and signs that "I am hungry" "I want more." Also she will stroke her hair when we say "kawaii kawaii ( which means pretty in Japanese ).

我が家のお姫様が、今日で1歳になったんだ。成長って本当に早いんだって思わされる日々この頃。最近は、毎日、新しい事を学んでいるよ。"ママ" "ダダ"は、上手に言えるようになり、あと手話でも、"おなか空いた" "もっと欲しい"とコミュニケーションがとれるぐらい。また、"かわいい かわいい"と言うと、自分の頭をなでるようにもなったよ。

She went from 8 lbs. 11 oz and 20 inches to, as of today, 23 lbs. 2 oz and 30.5 inches. She tripled her birth weigh and grew 10 inches.
